Policy and Legal

Cookies Info

This website uses cookies. Cookies are small text files, stored in a browser's directory. Cookies can be used to:

• help a website work more efficiently (by remembering what items or pages were last looked at)
• allow the visitor to perform certain tasks (such as storing items in a shopping basket or logging into a restricted area)
• provide information to the website owner about how visitors use and navigate the website
You can find out more about cookies by visiting: www.allaboutcookies.org/

Most browsers allow you to view, delete and block cookies. To find out how manage cookies, visit www.allaboutcookies.org/manage-cookies.


aMember_nr Necessary for customers Saves your logged-in status.  Needed for subscription transactions and account and downloading reports.
PHPSESSID Necessary for customers Needed for paid subscription transactions and account and downloading reports
__cfduid Strictly Necessary Used by Cloudflare Firewall. The _cfduid cookie is private and anonymous. This does not track decives across the internet, it is only used in http://www.mcoscillator.com. The _cfduid cookie helps Cloudflare detect malicious visitors (like hackers and bots) to http://www.mcoscillator.com and minimizes blocking legitimate users. The _cfduid cookie may be placed on the devices of our customers' & Users to identify individual devices behind a shared IP address and apply security settings on a per-client basis. It is necessary for supporting Cloudflare's security features.  Further info: Cloudflare Network Security
cookieconsent_status Necessary Records your cookie acknowledgment. Prevents cookie banner from appearing all the time.
exp_last_activity Not used, OK to Block This cookie contains the date of your last activity on this site. If you haven’t been active on the site before, your last activity will be set to the current time. This cookie info is not shared.
Further Info: ExpressionEngine
exp_last_visitNot used Not used, OK to Block Persistent and session
Purpose: This cookie is not used.  These cookies were originally used by the ExpressionEngine content management system  The cookies exp_last_activity and exp_last_visit  would allow us  show you which content has been updated since your last visit, but this feature is not used. This cookie info is not shared.
Further Info: ExpressionEngine
exp_tracker Not used, OK to Block Persistent and session. Don’t let the name fool you - this cookie doesn’t track what you do on the internet. It only keeps track of the last 5 pages on www.mcoscillator.com you visited. This cookie is not utilized anymore. This cookie info is not shared. 
Further Info: ExpressionEngine
Google Analytics
_utma, _utmb, _utmc, _utmt, _utmz

First party, persistent, First party, persistent, First party, session, First party, persistent

Ok to Block

Used to store information about visitor interaction with a website, such as when and where the visitor occurred. If you choose to disable or block these cookies you will still be able to use this website.  Its OK to block these cookies. 
Further Info: Overview of Google Analytics, including their privacy policy and how to opt out